VitaJuwel Gem Vials Wellness
VitaJuwel Gem Vials Wellness
VitaJuwel Gem Vials Wellness
VitaJuwel Gem Vials Wellness

VitaJuwel Gem Vials Wellness

Regular price $84.00

(rose quartz - amethyst - rock crystal)

This basic, well-balanced composition was used to inspirit water for hundreds of years. Experts claim that amethyst stimulates and soothes the mind and that rose quartz fosters tranquility. Having this vial in a VitaJuwel decanter on your dining table will let you experience water totally anew. Customers find gemwater with this harmonic blend to taste smooth and mild. If you're unsure, with which blend to start your VitaJuwel collection, choose this one!

Get one of our VitaJuwel decanters in addition to your original VitaJuwel wand for the full gemwater experience right from the start! Our elegant decanters are specially designed to hold a generous 50 oz. and complement our wands in form and size. The base of the decanter is rounded on its inside and, thus, helps prevent your wand from touching against the sides of the decanter.

Accessories depicted are not part of the product package.