Lotus Wei - Mini Mist Collection
6 - 10 ml mists
Experience all of the different states of mind with the Lotus Wei Energy Mists (excellent as travel-sizes too):
Joy Juice (Blood Orange + Marigold)
EXPERIENCE: Joy, laughter, euphoria, contentment, simplicity, playful, letting your inner child come out, enjoying life more
DISSOLVES: Seriousness, feeling the weight of responsibilities, worry, overcomplicating things, repressing your inner child
AROMA: Jasmine, Sweet Orange, Davana (strawberry-like), Rosewood
*African Daisy - Playfulness, clarification of life's path
*Birdsfoot Lotus - Happiness, content, ease, worry-free
*Chocolate Flower - Cheerfulness, simplest path instead of complication
*Pink Spirea - Light-heartedness, bringing inner child out to play
*Pink Lotus - wisdom, insight, spiritual understanding
GEMSTONE - Red garnet - joyful strength, energy
USE: Mist above and around your face and shoulders.
GET CREATIVE: Mist your sheets, pillows, bedroom, office, before a date, after a party, during stressful times.
FEEL A DIFFERENCE: Most people feel a dramatic difference in their everyday state of mind within 2-3 days, with a cumulative effect over time. If used regularly, bottle lasts 3-4 weeks, enough time to experience a significant shift in mood and everyday life. Safe (& excellent) for children.
INGREDIENTS: Pure essential oils of *Citrus sinensis (Sweet Orange), *Jasminum grandiflorum (Jasmine), *Artemisia pallens (Davana), Aniba rosaeodora (Rosewood),*Tagetes minuta (Tagetes), *Citrus aurantifolia (Lime), and hand-collected flower essences of Spiraea tomentosa (Pink Spirea), Lotus corniculatus (Birdsfoot Lotus), Berlandiera lyrata (Chocolate Flower), Osteospermum ecklonis (African Daisy), Nelumbo nucifera (Lotus), and gem essence of Red Garnet in pure water. *Certified Organic. Excellent for children.
Inner Peace (Lavender + Geranium)
EXPERIENCE: Deep peace, calm, confidence, comfort + contentment; strength + assuredness during times of high-stress.
DISSOLVES: High levels of stress & overwhelm; feeling a lack of support; nervousness, fear, lack of confidence, nervous about public speaking
AROMA: Calming, grounding lavender, vetiver, geranium, allspice.
*Arctic Lupine - Calm, comfort, peacefulness, effortless, strength
*Red Hibiscus - Hope, fresh perspective, relief after long periods of stress
*Silk Floss - Confidence, centeredness, fullest self-expression
*Mountain Laurel - Letting it all hang out; feeling supported by life
*Pink Lotus - wisdom, insight, spiritual understanding
GEMSTONE - Emerald - peaceful heart, easy-going nature
USE: Mist above and around your face and shoulders.
GET CREATIVE: Mist your sheets, pillows, bedroom, office, before a date, after a party, during stressful times.
FEEL THE DIFFERENCE: Most people feel a dramatic difference in their everyday state of mind within 2-3 days, with a cumulative effect over time. If used regularly, bottle lasts 3-4 weeks, enough time to experience a significant shift in mood and everyday life. Safe (& excellent) for children.
INGREDIENTS: Essential oils of *Lavandula angustifolia (Lavender), Coriandrum sativum (Coriander), *Juniperus communis (Juniper), *Pelargonium graveolens (Geranium), Pimenta dioica (Allspice), and *Vetiveria zizanioides (Vetiver) and hand-collected flower essences of Lupinus arcticus (Arctic Lupine), Chorisia speciosa (Silk Floss), Sophora secundiflora (Mountain Laurel), Hibiscus rosasinensis (Hibiscus), Nelumbo nucifera (Lotus) and gem essence of Emerald in pure water. *Cerified Organic.
Excellent for children.
Infinite Love (Honey + Rose)
EXPERIENCE: Unconditional love for yourself & others; attract love + affection, enhanced magnetism, attractiveness + charisma. Magnifies gentleness, compassion, softness + receptivity.
DISSOLVES: Irritation, being hard on yourself, hard heart, feeling attacked, resentment, anger, jealousy, codependency, giving away all your energy to others and forgetting your own needs, past trauma, breaking through old patterns
AROMA: Exquisite Rose, Red Mandarin, & Honey
*Hong Kong Orchid - Self-love & appreciation, feeling attractive, being yourself
*Wild Fireweed - Dissolves old bad memories, heals wounds of the heart, forgiveness
*Pink Magnolia - Feeling whole, complete; taking time to care for yourself
*Orange Hawkweed - Self-sufficiency, clarity in relationships, unconditional love
*Pink Lotus - Wisdom, insight, spiritual understanding.
GEMSTONE - Pink Tourmaline - Kindness & gentleness toward oneself
USE: Mist above and around your face and shoulders.
GET CREATIVE: Mist your sheets, pillows, bedroom, office, before a date, after a party, during stressful times.
FEEL A DIFFERENCE Most people feel a dramatic difference in their everyday state of mind within 2-3 days, with a cumulative effect over time. If used regularly, bottle lasts 3-4 weeks, enough time to experience a significant shift in mood and everyday life. Safe (& excellent) for children.
INGREDIENTS: Essential oils of *Citrus deliciosa (Red Mandarin), *Pelargonium roseum (Rose Geranium), Monarda fistulosa (Monarda), Cymbopogon citrates (Lemongrass), Rosa damascena (Rose absolute), Rosa damascena (Rose Wax), and Apies millifera (Beeswax Absolute), and hand-collected flower essences of Bauhinia blakeana (Hong Kong Orchid), Epilobium augustifolium (Fireweed), Magnolia liliflora (Pink Magnolia), Hieracium aurantiacum (Hawkweed), Nelumbo nucifera (Lotus) and gem essence of Pink Tourmaline in pure water. *Certified Organic.
Quiet Mind (Coriander + Geranium)
EXPERIENCE: Clarity, focus, relaxed body, quiet mind, sound sleep, ability to take breaks + be more effective
DISSOLVES: Busy mind, mental chatter, restless sleep, physical tension (especially neck & shoulders), over-analyzing
AROMA: Geranium, Lemon, & Coriander
*Bird of Paradise - Quieting the mind, getting out of your head
*Passionflower - Deep peace, rest, & ability to let go
*Angel's Trumpet - Calm, balance, allowing yourself to take
*Dandelion - Relaxing neck & shoulder tension; awareness of how stress affects body
*Pink Lotus - Wisdom, insight, spiritual understanding
GEMSTONE - Kyanite - stillness of mind
USE: Mist above and around your face and shoulders.
GET CREATIVE: Mist your sheets, pillows, bedroom, office, before a date, after a party, during stressful times.
FEEL A DIFFERENCE: Most people feel a dramatic difference in their everyday state of mind within 2-3 days, with a cumulative effect over time. If used regularly, bottle lasts 3-4 weeks, enough time to experience a significant shift in mood and everyday life. Safe (& excellent) for children.
INGREDIENTS: Essential oils of *Pelargonium graveolens (Geranium), Coriandrum sativum (Coriander), *Eugenia caryophyllata (Clove), *Citrus deliciosa (Mandarin), *Citrus limon (Lemon) and hand-collected flower essences of Strelitzia reginae (Bird of Paradise), Passiflora incarnata (Passionflower), Brugmansia arborea (Datura), Taraxacum officinale (Dandelion), Nelumbo nucifera (Lotus), and gem essence of Kyanite in pure water. *Certified Organic.
Inspired Action (Pink Pepper + Cardamom)
EXPERIENCE: Motivation, drive, follow through, decisiveness, fearless creativity, innovation, intuition, synchronicity, tackling your big goals, finishing projects
DISSOLVES: Procrastination, lack of follow through, feeling stuck, writer's block, indecision, projects left undone, distracted mind.
AROMA: Pink pepper, Jamaican bay & Citrus
*Fire Star Orchid - fearless creativity, innovation, thinking outside the box
*Red Bird of Paradise - motivation, drive, get it done
*Chandelier Succulent - determination, follow through
*Euphrasia - decisiveness, intuition, synchronicity
*Pink Lotus - wisdom, insight, spiritual understanding
GEMSTONE: Fluorite - clarity, awareness, intuition
USE: Mist above and around your face and shoulders.
GET CREATIVE: Mist your bedroom, office, during a meeting, to inspire yourself or someone else.
FEEL A DIFFERENCE: Most people feel a dramatic difference in their everyday state of mind within 2-3 days, with a cumulative effect over time. Safe (& excellent) for children.
INGREDIENTS: Essential oils *Citrus aurantifolia (Lime), *Elettaria cardamomum (Cardamom), *Citrus Limon (Lemon), Schinus molle (Pink Pepper), Pimenta racemosa (Bay Rum), Pimenta dioica (Allspice), and hand-collected flower essences of Epidendrum radicans (Fire Star Orchid), Caesalpinia pulcherrima (Red Bird of Paradise), Kalanchoe tubiflora (Chandelier Succulent), Euphrasia nemorosa (Euphrasia), Nelumbo nucifera (Lotus), and gem essence of Fluorite in pure water. *Certified Organic.
Pure Energy (Coffee + Grapefruit)
EXPERIENCE: Energy, vitality, protection, strength, powerful presence, immune system boost, recharge after air travel, computer use, x-rays.
DISSOLVES: Fatigue due to computer & cell phone use or air travel; accumulation of energies that are not your own; ; vulnerability, whether physically or energetically; taking on others' stress; feeling invisible, weak, or not clear about what you want
AROMA: Neroli, Pinon, Sandalwood & Clary Sage
Pomegranate - Energy, vitality, reproductive system balancing
Jade Flower - Chi, vitality, powerful presence, being clear about what you want
Red Clover - Empathetic & compassionate, but not taking on others' stress
Yarrow - Protection; revitalization after computer, cell phone, air travel fatigue.
Pink Lotus - Wisdom, insight, spiritual understanding.
GEMSTONE: Black Tourmaline - Protects you from energetic saturation of energies not your own.
USE: Mist above and around your face and shoulders.
GET CREATIVE: Mist your sheets, pillows, bedroom, office, before a date, after a party, during stressful times.
FEEL A DIFFERENCE: Most people feel a dramatic difference in their everyday state of mind within 2-3 days, with a cumulative effect over time. If used regularly, bottle lasts a month or more, enough time to experience a significant shift in mood and everyday life. Safe (& excellent) for children.
INGREDIENTS: Purified Water (Aqua), Pinus Edulis (Piñon) Oil, *Salvia sclarea (Clary Sage) Oil, Citrus aurantium (Neroli), Santalum spicatum (Sandalwood) Oil, Amyris balsamifera (Amyris) Oil, Rosa damascena (Rose) Oil, Citrus deliciosa (Petitgrain) Oil, (Pomegranate) flower essence, Citrus sinensis (Navel Orange) flower essence, Trifolium pretense (Red Clover) flower essence, Crassula ovata (Jade Succulent) flower essence, Achillea millefolium (Yarrow) flower essence, Nelumbo nucifera (Lotus) flower essence and Black Tourmaline gem essence. *Certified Organic.
Each mini mist is 10ml - if you mist yourself five times/day, each one will last you about a week - so there is a good six weeks worth of flower power.