Get an even better grip on your VitaJuwel ViA gemwater bottle and try one of our stylish and practical VitaJuwel HUGS sleeves. The cloud-white silicone VitaJuwel ViA HUGS covers the hip of your VitaJuwel ViA and makes it look even more sporty. And you know what? We designed it to still guarantee a premium view on your precious crystals in the gempod. VitaJuwel ViA HUGS prevent your VitaJuwel ViA from getting scratches and helps with soft bumps.
But remember: Gemwater lovers don’t drop their VitaJuwel ViA!
About VitaJuwel
Seven years ago, they revolutionized the way to prepare vital and fresh water at home. Following age-old traditions, they created gemstone vials to hygienically inspirit drinking water. Their vision now and then is to provide you with homemade, natural gemwater like fresh from the spring!
VitaJuwel gem vials are made from lead-free glass and hand-picked gems. We offer several different gem blends, tested by naturopaths and based on the insights of modern crystal healing. Their scientifically proven efficiency make them an essential accessory in health-seeking households worldwide.